Why Women Who Make The First Move Are More Successful

Why Women Who Make The First Move Are More Successful

In conventional scenarios (though somewhat cliché), it’s typically anticipated that males would seize the initiative and commence interactions in romantic endeavors, whether by initiating a first date or proposing on bended knee. Nevertheless, we presently inhabit an era characterized by modernity, where it’s entirely acceptable for females to assert themselves. Drawing from insights gleaned from dating platforms, it appears opportune for women to assert control.

1. Women don’t need to wait for eligible dudes to appear

The notion of encountering a perfect mate by sheer happenstance is rather implausible. Generally, males outnumber females in the initiation of online conversations, colloquially termed as “fishing.” Admittedly, a larger volume of messages dispatched translates to heightened prospects of a fortuitous encounter. Nonetheless, the axiom of quality over quantity holds sway. Too often, women endure protracted waits for an auspicious initiator. Instead of lingering in anticipation, it behooves women to summon the courage and initiate discourse.

2. Guys love when women approach them first

A direct correlation exists between the quantity of messages received by males on dating platforms and their responsiveness. Consequently, women who dare to seize the initiative are more likely to elicit reciprocal engagement. This confers upon women a semblance of authority in the courtship ritual, empowering them to dictate the tenor of initial exchanges sans the banality of clichéd pickup lines.

3. Women are likely to land a better man when they take initiative

According to statistical data from OkCupid, individuals tend to solicit interactions with individuals perceived to be more visually appealing. Given males’ propensity to pursue partners deemed to surpass them in attractiveness, it stands to reason that females ought to undertake a proactive stance in ensuring they engage with individuals of considerable allure. Yet, aesthetics constitute merely one facet; by proactively selecting partners, women stand to secure companions of greater overall desirability.


4. Ladies are more likely to find love when they make the first move

The act of seizing the initiative bears profound ramifications, potentially reshaping one’s romantic trajectory. By extending the proverbial olive branch, women significantly enhance the probability of encountering their soulmate. This adage rings especially true in matters of the heart, as underscored by findings from a survey conducted by The League. The statistical odds overwhelmingly favor proactive female engagement.

5. It’s better than waiting around

Consider the myriad instances wherein women bemoan the interminable wait for post-date communication or the initiation of dialogue by a match. The pervasive aversion to assuming an assertive role is both counterintuitive and misguided. Contrary to perpetuating an aura of desperation, initiating contact exudes an aura of confidence and allure.


6. It’s practice for social skills

Whether met with rejection or reciprocated interest, seizing the initiative serves as a valuable exercise in bolstering one’s self-assurance. Viewed through a broader prism, the act of initiating contact represents an opportunity to refine interpersonal skills with broad applicability, transcending the confines of romantic dalliance.

7. It’ll help you weed out the bad ones

The proclivity towards proactive behavior among women is indicative of sagacity and discernment. Conversely, any apprehension evinced by prospective suitors regarding female assertiveness potentially unveils latent control issues or manipulative tendencies. Ergo, a partner who celebrates and reciprocates feminine assertiveness warrants investment of one’s time and affection.


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